
A Trip to the Fresh Greenery
A Trip to Heal Your Mind and Body by
Feeling the Fresh Green in the Mountain

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery <C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

Sense the nagative ion at Amidagataki Waterfall surrounded by the fresh greenery.

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery <C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

Enjoy your grilled salt Ayu after fishing experience at Ayu Park.

Let’s go for a trip to feel the refreshing early summer! We are going to see the most famous waterfall in Tokai area sensing the negative ion during this trip and feeling the 1800 years old cedar tree. You are able to feel the nature and history of Gujo in this trip!

Itoshiro Cedar Tree
車icon 25 min.
Hakusan Chukyo-jinja Shrine
車icon 20 min.
Amidagataki Waterfall
徒歩icon 10 min.
Flowing somen for lunch
車icon 15 min.
Seiryu Nagaragawa Ayu Park
車icon 15 min.
Yunohira Hot Spring

Itoshi Cedar Tree

Estimated around 1800 years old
An old tree welcoming all worshippers

If you want to find a place to sense the nature of Gujo, first you need to visit is Itoshiro Cedar Tree. After arriving at the parking area, 420 stairs are waiting for you until you reach the Itoshiro Cedar Tree. This cedar is also called “12 people huge cedar” as its trunk with circumference of 13.45m, 12 adults are needed to hold it hand in hand. It is one of the largest huge trees in the country. Its estimated age is over 1800 years old. It is the only tree granted as a Designated Natural Monument in Gifu-ken. When you look at this cedar tree, you can feel and know the history throughout 1800 years.

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

It is called “12 people huge cedar” as 12 adults can surround its trunk holding hands

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

Stairs surrounded by the greenery make you feel the nature.

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

Stairs to the entrance are very narrow. Please be careful when you are climbing.

25 min.

Hakusan Chugu-jinja Shrine

A spiritual place to feel the holy mountain, Mount Hakusan

Hakusan Chugu-jinja was established in year 83. Monk Taicho expended it during Yoro era (717 – 724). This shrine is surrounded by the small stream of Miyakawa River and Hakusan Chugu-jinja Forest. 150 trees in this forest are all aged 200 – 1000 years old. They are designated as Natural Monument. This shrine surrounded by huge trees is a spiritual spot to sense the vitality of nature.

▼ Related articleVisiting the Sanctuary of Hakusan Faith

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

People can feel the vitality of nature by visiting this shrine and seeing the trees.

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

Two structures displayed in the main shrine are designated as Important Cultural Properties in Gifu-ken.

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

Iwasaka was enshrined here before this shrine was built.

20 min.

Amidagataki Waterfall

One of the best 100 waterfall and the best waterfall in Tokai area

After visiting a shrine, let’s go seeing the best waterfall in Tokai area. This waterfall was named Amidagataki because a monk from Choryuji Temple saw Amitabha appeared after burning Homa on the north of Amidagataki Waterfall during Tenbun era (1532 – 1555). There is a walking path going to the basin. Visitors can feel the water splashing and the negative ion in a very close place. The greenery at the back matches so well with the waterfall. It is a beautiful place you cannot miss

▼ Related article・Gujo Outdoor Experiences
Entering the sanctuary place. Going to the origin of outdoor activity in Gujo, Amidagataki Waterfall.

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

The fall is around 60m. Area near the basin is full of negative ion.

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

Visitors can enjoy forest bathing when heading towards Amidagataki Waterfall.

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

You can feel the powerful waterfall at the back.

10 min.

Nagashi somen for lunch

The famous Nagashi somen in cool water is so delicious!

If you want to have a lunch inside the nature, we recommend this Nagashi somen (White noodles served flowing in a small flume). Using the water from Amidagataki Waterfall, which is selected to be one of the best 100 waterfalls in Japan and the best 50 famous water in Gifu-ken. Amidagataki-so and Bremen-no-tsuribori are 2 somen restaurants near to the waterfall. Amidagataki-so is said to be the birthplace of Nagashi somen. They use stone to build the tunnel instead of bamboo. Customers can try a different kind of Ngashi somen here. Bremen-no-tsuribori is providing salt grilled fish, which is catch by yourself, and Nagashi somen.

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

Nagashi somen chilled in cool water is delicious!

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

Customers can see this small river stream while having lunch.

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

Salt grilled Japanese Char which is growing up in this clear stream and somen are both highly recommended.

15 min.

Ayu Park

Surrounding by nature and culture of Nagaragawa River

Seiryu Nagaragawa Ayu Park is a facility to introduce and provide experience of Seiryu Nagaragawa Ayu (Sweetfish) which is a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage. Video and exhibition introducing Nagaragawa Ayu and fishery in Gifu-ken can be found here. Visitors can experience catching and fishing ayu fish. Roadside Station Hakusan-bunka-no-sato Nagataki is located next to it. Local specialties and local cuisine are available. We recommend a local tomato Okumino Harunatsu Tomato.

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

Nagaragawa Ayu, which is a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage can be tasted here.

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

Famous local tomatoes and other fresh local vegetables are for sale.

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

Fishing experience welcomes all visitors on the grassland inside the park.

15 min.

Yunohira Hot Spring

Relax at a secret hot spring in the mountain

To end our trip today is Yunohira Hot Spring, which is only 5 minutes ride from Takasu Interchange. You can take a hot bath in a spacious open-aired bath and see the green scenery of Nagaragawa River. The quality of water is thick and syrupy. All the tiredness can be healed after bathing. It is a secret hot spring inside an untouched nature.

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

Hearing the sound of nature while bathing at this open-aired bath.

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

2 inner bath and 10 shower booths are available.

<C_022>A Trip to the Fresh Greenery

This building with good atmosphere is a hot spring loved by the locals from long ago.

Map of surrounding area

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