
Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau
Enjoying Hot Spring,
Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

<C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area <C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

Drive along the fall foliage in the nature.

<C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area <C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

A skin smoothing high-quality hot spring and a relaxing bedrock bath.

A 72km scenic driving road “Seseragi Kaido” connects Gujo-shi to Takayama-shi. This gentle road is also recommended for beginners to drive. Local gourmet, hot springs, and beautiful scenery can only be seen during this season are all found along this driving road. We are departing from Hachiman area, where Gujo Hachiman Castle is famous for its autumn leaves, and heading to autumn colors in Meiho area.

Gujo Hachiman Castle
車icon 30 min.
Seseragi Kaido
車icon 5 min.
Roadside Station Meiho Surusumi-no-sato Park
車icon 5 min.
Restaurant Inn Mizukami
車icon 20 min.
Meiho Spa Yuseikan

Gujo Hachiman Castle

Starting point of Seseragi-kaido

“Tenshu-enjo (Castle tower on fire)” is a term to describe the beauty of autumn leaves at Gujo Hachiman Castle

The starting point of our Momiji (Autumn leaves) tour is the best Momiji spot, Gujo Hachiman Castle where it is also the start of Seseragi Kaido. It is the oldest wooden rebuilt castle. Gujo Hachiman Castle with a beautiful castle tower, is a popular Momiji spot in Okumino area. Gujo Hachiman Castle Town Momiji Festival is held every November. There are many different events at Gujo Hachiman Castle and the castle town on every weekend. You can park your car at Castle Park parking area and walk for 10 minutes to get to the peak. The autumn leaves surrounding the white castle tower is so beautiful. The view from the castle tower to the castle town is also very fantastic! You can only see it during this period of time.

<C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

Around 100 maple trees are decorating Gujo Hachiman Castle. Momiji Festival is held every November. (Best time for red leaves : mid November)

<C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

Enjoy your trip at Gujo Hachiman Castle by seeing all different colors of autumn leaves.

<C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

Illumination will be lighted up when the autumn leaves are in full bloom. You can enjoy a totally different view comparing with daytime.

30 min.

Seseragi Kaido

Driving along the fall foliage in the nature

Seseragi-kaido, from Gujo Hachiman area to Meiho area, is a driving route along Yoshidagawa River. It was selected as the most beautiful 33 Momiji spots in Hida & Mino area. Different kinds of red leaves can be found along the road. Visitors can enjoy a long period of Momiji as the altitude difference is quite large from Hida Kiyomi. Remember to check the condition of red leaves before you come!

<C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

Visitors can enjoy seeing the autumn leaves by driving along the gradual road of Seseragi Kaido. Trees start turning red slowly from mid-October.

<C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

You may take a stop in your trip.

<C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

Walking under the red and yellow trees is like pass through a tunnel of Momiji.

5 min.

Roadside Station Surusumi-no-sato Park

The best spot of Seseragi Kaido with all local food!

This roadside station is located along Seseragi Kaido, a driving route linking Gujo Hachiman and Hida Takayama. The statue of horse Surusumi at the center of the parking area is a landmark. The mountains at the back have different looks in different seasons. Fresh green in spring, deep green in summer, red in autumn and white snow in winter. You can see all these views here. Local specialties like Meiho Ham and Meiho tomato ketchup are for sale in the souvenir shop. Fresh vegetables are also popular in the morning market. Restaurants are selling local cuisine. You can try salt grilled fish at rest place with hearth.

<C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

Mountains turn red gradually from late October. There is a large parking area for resting.

<C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

Gohei-mochi (Rice cake with soy sauce and miso paste) is all handmade. Homemade walnut paste is very sweet. Normal Gohei-mochi is using stick to hold it. But here, disposable chopsticks are used. The owner said because it is hard to eat in sticks.

<C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

You can taste Meiho frankfurter, fried Meiho ham and others at Meiho Meat.

5 min.

Restaurant In Mizukami

Tasting a juicy Kei-chan with homemade miso

Restaurant Inn Mizukami is a Japanese inn also operating a restaurant. The restaurant is providing all seasonal cuisines and also Hida beef, Hoba-miso (Magnolia leaves with miso sauce), river fish menu and of course the famous local dish Kei-chan (Stir fried chicken with miso sauce). Homemade miso, which inherit from the past generation, is used for seasonings. Dipping special sauce after grilling at an iron plate is one of a unique method to have Kei-chan here. Vegetable absorbing the flavor of juicy chicken meat goes so well with rice!

<C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

Famous local cuisine Kei-chan is using local miso and grilling on iron plate.

<C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

Restaurant is located at the new building on the right-hand side.

<C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

You can enjoy your meal while seeing the garden view.

20 min.

Meiho Spa Yuseikan

A skin smoothing high-quality hot spring and a relaxing bedrock bath

Meiho Spa Yuseikan is located at Meiho Plateau area. Feeling the natural breeze in daytime, seeing the starry night in nighttime and bathing in this spacious open aired bath is very refreshing! As it is an alkaline simple radioactive hot spring, it is good for relaxing even if you only take a day bath. Bedrock bath is using Myorekiseki, rock releasing far infrared ray and negative ion which can cure mentally and physically. There is restaurant providing taste of home cooking in the facility too.

<C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

You can feel the nature of Meiho in this open aired bath. Seeing the stars while bathing is relaxing.

<C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

A large communal bath for enjoying hot spring. Jet bath and bubble bath are so healing.

<C_009>Autumn Leaf-peeping at Seseragi Kaido and Meiho Plateau Enjoying Hot Spring, Gourmet and Beautiful Scenery at Meiho Area

Restaurant Yuyu is providing grilled Hida beef in rank A5, Kei-chan (Stir fried chicken in miso sauce) and Meiho ham set meal.

Map of surrounding area

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