
A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu!
Seeing the legendary rock and
the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

<C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu <C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

See the mysterious layered rocks written in old myth and visiting spiritual hot spots.

<C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu <C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

Try the best Wara Ayu in Japan with smell and taste.

Have a walk leisurely in Wara area where the idyllic scenery spreads. Look at the legendary spiritual places and river where beautiful Ayu and giant salamanders grow. You can also enjoy the rare “Wara Ayu” that is hard to eat even in the local area.

Miyama Limestone Cave
車icon 10 min.
Roadside Station Wara
車icon 5 min.
車icon 5 min.
Togakushi-jinja Shrine
車icon 5 min.

Miyama Limestone Cave

25 minutes’ drive form Gujo Hachiman Interchange

The largest limestone cave in Japan
Exploring this maze in the limestone cave!

Miyama Limestone Cave is a three-dimension labyrinth type limestone cave which is very rare in the world. It is the largest pit-dwelling limestone cave in Japan. The temperature inside the cave keeps around 15 ~ 16 degrees. It is cool in summer and warm in winter. You only need 30 to 40 minutes to walk through the cave. As there are many stairs, we recommend you wear sneakers!

<C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

A mysterious natural limestone cave is like a labyrinth.

<C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

This limestone cave is one of the designated natural monuments of Gujo-shi.

<C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

Going through the entrance, you can feel how cool the limestone cave is.

10 min.  25 minutes’ drive form Gujo Hachiman Interchange

Roadside Station Wara

Try the famous “Choju-dango” at this roadside station.

Roadside Station Wara is located at the corner of Wara Sports Park. Free rest space, parking area and toilet can be found. The famous Choju-dango is available at the souvenir shop. As tofu is used, this rice dumpling is famous for its softness and tase. It is an original product created by the owner Mr Ohsawa. This dumpling is too delicious that many visitors come again to eat it. Local farm products and processed goods can also be found here.

<C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

There are restaurant and shop together with Wara Sports Park, Wara History Museum and Kids Plaza inside the area.

<C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

Many people come to see Mr Ohsawa selling Choju-dango.

<C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

Choju-dango made by tofu is chewy. The taste of the soy sauce is delicious!

5 min.


Legendary spring water
from a limestone cave

It has been a perennial spring since ancient time. This limestone cave is around 25m deep. According to the legend of Jaana, people borrowed meals and drums from Otohime but did not return all of them to her. Otohime was so angry that she turned into a large snake and left. The spring water of Jaana was selected as the best 50 waters in Gifu-ken. Sake “Fukuwarai” and natural wasabi are using this water.

<C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

Clear water is coming out from the limestone. It is cool in summer.

<C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

Cave you can see from the mountain is Jaana.

<C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

The legend of Jaana is written on the signboard.

5 min.

Togakushi-jinja Shrine

Seeing the mysterious layered rocks written in old myth and visiting spiritual hot spots.

You can find the red Torii (Gateway at the entrance to a shrine) of Togakushi-jinja Shrine among the huge cedar trees. The famous layered rocksin the area of this shrine refer to 2 pieces of huge rocks piling up one other with only a small point of contact. When Amanodadikaraonomikoto (God of Strength) opened the cave where Amaterasuohakami (Goddess of all gods) hided, rocks flied all over the place and they were remained to become legendary rocks. Thus, along the approach to the shrine, a cedar tree with age 1200 years old is designated as one of the natural monuments of Gifu-ken. At Togakushi-jinja Shrine, the second Sunday of October, festival with traditional dance and music are held every year.

<C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

Two pieces of huge rocks are piling up. The point of contact is very small. It seems you can move the upper one with one hand.

<C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

The shrine is surrounded by mountains and huge cedar tree. You can sense the fresh air around.

<C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

Large Torii surrounded by cedar trees.

5 min.


Try the best Wara Ayu in Japan with smell and taste

Wara Ayu (Sweetfish) has won 4 times of the best Ayu in Japan selected by Seiryu Tour Ayu Tournament. You can try this Wara Ayu, raised in the nature of Wara, here in this restaurant. Even in Gujo, there are not many restaurants providing Wara Ayu. In Yamazakiya Hotel, you can try the Ayu cuisine beside the fireplace even you are not staying at the hotel. Salt grilled Ayu, Ayu with miso paste, fired Ayu, salted and dried Ayu and Ayu porridge are all in a Wara Ayu course. Please make reservation in advance if you want to try this course. From June to autumn, you can try different kinds of Ayu in different seasons. You need to try this Ayu cuisine when you visit Wara.

<C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

Wara Ayu course using 5 kinds of Wara Ayu includes salt grilled Ayu, Ayu with miso paste and delicious Ayu porridge.

<C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

Yamazakiya-Ryokan is located on the opposite side of National Route 256. It is the only hotel in Wara area.

<C_005>A Trip to Wara, Togakushi-jinja Shrine and Wara Ayu! Seeing the legendary rock and the best Ayu in Japan, Wara Ayu

The appearance of Wara Ayu is beautiful too.

Map of surrounding area

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