Limestone cave – The Mystery of Nature that you can sense the Heartbeat of the Earth through your skin

Limestone cave where you can sense the heartbeat of the Earth

Gujo Hachiman is located in the deep mountains of Gifu, where is famous as a famous water town. Water supply of the town is from the karst topography of the limestone layer spreading in the mountains. There are many limestone caves in the town from the Nishi-wara area to Akuda. Hundreds of millions of years ago, surrounding area was a shallow tropical seabed. Coral breeding on the seabed created hundreds of meters of limestone. Limestone layer was melted by the inflow of rainwater and groundwater due to repeated crustal movements, resulting in the formation of complex limestone caves divided into multiple layers.

Stalactite usually takes about 100 years to grow 1 cm. They are still in growing period. You can see the history of development by repeating the same growth process as from the ancient times. We are going to introduce 3 sightseeing limestone cave, Otaki Limestone Cave, Jomon Cave and Gujo Hachiman Miyama Limestone Cave. Temperature inside the cave is kept from 15 to 16 degrees throughout the year. It is cool in summer and warm in winter. Please come and see these mysterious limestone caves when you visit Gujo!