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Gibier cuisine | TABITABI Gujo
Eating local food inside a mountain village

Eating local food inside a mountain village

Gibier cuisine

Gibier cuisine

The taste of wild meat which
can only be found in mountain village

Gibier is a dish made from meat of natural wild birds and beasts obtained by hunting. With high protein and low calories, it was originally used in local cuisine in Japan as a valuable source of nutrition in winter. In Gujo, you can enjoy wild deer and other meat growing freely in the mountain, which is rich in nature, as a local game dish with the wisdom and skill of professional hunters and chefs. Although it is a game dish with a strong image of winter, deer are actually the greasiest from the end of summer to autumn, which is their estrus period. Not only you can feel the taste change depending on the season, but you can also enjoy the difference in taste and texture of deer caught in the same county, the difference between males and females, and also the environment of the mountain where you grew up.

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Gibier cuisine
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Activities of local hunters

Local hunter plays an active role in the background of enjoying wild meat dishes at many restaurants in Gujo. Gujo is known as one of the most active hunting areas in Japan. A wide range of hunters, from young people to the experienced in their 70s, who has just obtained hunting license, enter the mountains every day to hunt wild animals. Recently, processed products such as sausages and jerky for pets have been developed. Talk show by hunters and dismantling workshops have been held to get interested in hunting wild animals.

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Gibier cuisine
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Mr Daisuke Yasuda, representative of Inoshika Cho

“In the world of hunting, Gujo has a rich environment which is very rare in Japan. Please experience the attractiveness of 100% natural wild game in Gujo’s mountain village.”

Shops where you can eat wild meat dishes and
shops where you can buy processed products